Increase Your Quality & Quantity of Applicants to Get the Help You Need Today!
Are you planning on hiring at least ONE employee for your lawn or landscape business in the next year?
If you are, this letter is for you.
It’s getting harder to find, recruit, hire and retain landscape employees. Here’s why. It’s been 50 years since our country has experienced such low unemployment rates. Most people who want a job already have one.
Our country’s immigration system is a mess. The H2B guest worker program is no longer reliable. Government mandates such as E-Verify and I-9 mandates force you to police every single worker and skip hiring willing and able people who don’t have the required “paperwork”.
And what happened to the young people? It seems millennials and young gen Z’s are just wired differently. They’re good with a mobile phone but have a different work ethic than our parents.
It’s no secret. Landscape business owners are suffering from rising wages, difficulty finding reliable help and high turnover.
As an employer for more than 30 years, I understand how frustrating it can be to find reliable employees. It’s time consuming, it can be expensive, and it can be very confusing. Knowing how to hire, who to hire, what to pay and when to fire are big issues for small business owners.
It’s likely you have missed opportunities to grow revenue due to the lack of reliable employees. Don’t you just hate having to say NO to customers because of a lack of employees?
Unfortunately, many of us are so worried about having enough help, we’ve given up on growth. We’ve stopped firing people fearing we can’t replace the subpar employees. Some employers have decided to dig in, get smaller and focus on survival without having more employees. That’s too bad. I hope this isn’t your solution to the employee problem.
Something is wrong. Employees should be willing to work hard without you having to stand over them cracking the whip. They should be responsible and trustworthy. They should respect their employer and have enough personal pride to learn how to improve their skills the longer they work with you.
Motivation seems to be a rare, but much needed quality in today’s workers. Heck, is it possible to find people to follow simple instructions without having to pay an arm and leg and then BEG them to show up? It’s a big enough problem that some business owners are ready to give up, throw in the towel or swear-off hiring once and for all.
Please…don’t let these external issues put a stranglehold on your future.
Entrepreneurs overcome problems. It’s part of the job.
And here’s great news…overcoming problems like this is easy when you have a teacher. Especially a teacher who has already solved this problem!
My name is Tony Bass. As an employer for more than 30 years, I understand how frustrating it can be to find reliable employees. I’ve suffered through employee disappointments like unannounced quits, careless costly accidents and even outright employee theft. I know firsthand the uncomfortable feelings encountered when enforcing company policies, playing guidance counselor for employee personal matters and serving as a temporary banker handing out employee loans.
You ever think about it like this… why didn’t our education system teach us how to be an employer?
It’s simple. Educators are not employers themselves. They can’t teach what they don’t know!
I know a lot about being an employer. I’ll celebrate 1664 weeks of payroll on Friday by signing the front side of payroll checks (again). Experience is what you earn when you practice something every single day for 30 plus years.
I have successfully navigated my own businesses through three of the four business cycles over the last 50 years when the unemployment rate was under 5% and the economy was booming. I learned so much and saw so many lawn business owners suffering along the way, I wrote an entire book on the subject of lawn business hiring. It’s titled “50 Low-Cost Ways Landscape Business Owners Find, Recruit, Hire and Retain Super Star Employees” (2007). This book documents exactly what I did to build a landscape team to 83 employees, 30 crew leaders and keep my management team of 6 people with zero turnover for 6 years. (I’ll explain how to get a copy of this book in a minute, just keep reading.)
Building that team lead to the successful 7-figure sell of my landscaping company. I unlocked 100% of my equity and converted it to cash and a note payable. I learned that WEALTH is created when you master the skills of finding, recruiting, hiring, retaining and training employees. The investor who bought my business wanted a well-organized team. He found one when he visited my company.
I’d like to teach you what works as you build your own team of A players. I’d like to teach you how to avoid mistakes that can get you into serious trouble.
Yes, I understand. Hiring is time consuming for most. Hiring can be viewed as risky. From legal matters like payroll taxes to discrimination, employers like you and I are often warned that if we don’t follow the law, we’ll get into big-time legal trouble. Seriously, your future wealth is at stake here.
The fastest way to acquire wealth is simple, easy and painless…find yourself an experienced teacher.
I’ve been quietly but constantly teaching owners of landscaping companies how to place SYSTEMS into their businesses for over 20 years. Perhaps my most popular book, “The E-Myth Landscape Contractor: Why Most Landscape Companies Don’t Work and What to Do About It” (2011), provides instruction on systems thinking. To build a better company, you have to become a better entrepreneur. Targeted, well-organized and timely education is the answer. If you’re ready to learn, I’m ready to teach.
Keep reading. This is continued on the next page.
Here’s a summary of the plan that fixes poor performing hiring systems:
- Avoid the 5 biggest hiring mistakes most contractors make
- Target the best candidates using ads proven to attract 2x to 10x the number of applicants
- Use simple online and offline tools to pre-screen and pre-select only motivated applicants
- Use the well-scripted 10-minute interview process that eliminates time-sucking scheduling of interviews and drastically reduces bad hires
- Learn how employers should talk about money with employees
- Plug-in your employee retention system
- Automate this plan using systems thinking and FREE online tools
- Enjoy your new-found confidence as a well-prepared employer
We call this well-organized plan to fix your hiring system The Automatic Hiring Machine.
We began by teaching this system one-on-one with private consulting clients. They invested thousands of dollars to get this “done for you” service. Each time we built out a new Automatic Hiring Machine for a private consulting client, we tweaked the system a little bit more and got even better results.
A few months went by, the unemployment rate kept going lower, and our results just kept getting better! We began to teach our paid-up members inside our monthly education program how to build their own Automatic Hiring Machine. Over a few more months, we documented every single step and every little detail required to successfully attract, pre-screen, interview, and hire better employees.
We’ve captured a number of case studies along the way that PROVE it can be EASIER to HIRE today than almost anytime in the past. I know this is a BIG and BOLD claim. But’s it true.
You can go online right now to www.automatichiringmachine.com and read about or listen to:
- Doug – a landscape contractor in Virginia, who went from getting 22 applicants in a month using traditional online advertising to collecting 501 resumes in just 14 days and automatically screened these down to about a dozen well-qualified applicants in 7 minutes without reading one resume!
- Bruce and Barbara – who own a 65-year old nursery and landscape company in NJ, followed our recommendations and collected 614 applicants, pre-screened the list automatically to just 12 well-qualified applicants, hired 7 people and 6 months later 5 of the 7 were still employed and doing great work!
- Luke – a small but growing landscaper in PA, who built his own Automatic Hiring Machine and reports that he acquired the best team he has ever had in his young company’s history.
- Karl – a successful landscape business owner in KS, who feared his season would lost and his company might not survive, when he got the news he would not get his 20 H2B workers last season. He felt like he had nothing to lose…so he took a chance and invested in our Automatic Hiring Machine training program. You should go online and listen to his story now.
When you visit www.automatichiringmachine.com you can purchase immediate access to the training program that shows you step-by-step how to build your own Automatic Hiring Machine. Access to this training is available right now. You can begin your training immediately.
If you are interested in learning more, but you’re still a skeptic, go to www.automatichiringmachine.com and fill out the AHM info request form located by the video. We will GIVE you a copy of the Automatic Hiring Machine implementation checklist for FREE. We want to teach you how to fix your hiring system.
Here’s what you can expect to gain when you invest in your education by purchasing access to The Automatic Hiring Machine Training Program:
- Learn how to master the power of AUTOMATION to increase your personal productivity
- Attract 2x to 10x the number of applicants you have in the past
- Get the reliable employees you need to grow your business
- Dramatically reduce time-consuming activities like reading resumes, scheduling appointments and conducting lengthy interviews
- Lower your cost of employees $2000 to $6000 per new hire
- Add staff quickly for a wide variety of positions regardless of where you live and work
- Immediate access to a business coach that understands you and ready to help
- Learn how to hire with confidence and put an end to settling with subpar employees
Investing in your own education is smart. Failing to take advantage of short-cuts is just plain dumb. The fastest way to become WEALTHY from landscaping is to learn from someone who has made millions. That’s me.
Now, if you’ve been slow to leverage other people’s experiences to accelerate your business growth, you have the choice to change your habits right now. This “employee problem” will not go away as long as the economy is expanding. By the time the economy slows down, it’s going to be too late to grow revenue. You’ll find yourself facing tragic results like:
- Stuck with unreliable employees
- High turnover
- An ineffective hiring system that steals your time forever without mercy
- No method to compete with other employers for the best people
- Not enough employees to honor your contracted commitments
- Having to climb back on the truck or go run the crew…again
Please understand. You have a choice.
You can move away from being frustrated, desperate and stressed out about finding, recruiting, hiring and retaining employees. Leverage our relationship right now.
Go to www.automatichiringmachine.com and I’ll teach you how to become a confident job creator and highly desirable employer that attracts reliable employees. And one day, I hope we can write about you and your success.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Tony Bass, founder www.automatichiringmachine.com
PS – If you want to order access to your Automatic Hiring Machine Training Program old school, just complete the order form enclosed. We’ll get you set up and even send over a copy of “50 Low-Cost Ways Landscape Business Owners Find, Recruit, Hire and Retain Super Star Employees” in print and on with the 6 set audio CD program, a $295 value, FREE with your order.